5 Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

November 1, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

There are some things those of us over a certain age know all too well, like minivans without screens, phones attached to cords, and silver dental fillings. We’re now reaping the rewards of advancing technology (for the most part). Road trips are quieter thanks to mobile entertainment systems, phones are everywhere (usually in our hands), and metal amalgam fillings are no longer the only option. Today, dental practitioners can place composite resins, also known ...

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Implants vs. Dentures: Which is Right for You?

October 4, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

If you’re dealing with tooth loss, you’re not alone. The American College of Prosthodontists estimates that 178 million Americans are affected by this serious problem. We understand the significant role a healthy smile plays in self-confidence and the far reaching-impact tooth loss can have on a patient’s quality of life. We know there are many restorative options available and believe patient education is the key to choosing the right treatments. Dentures and ...

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How Do Teeth Become Stained?

August 30, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

There’s no shortage of teeth whitening solutions. From in-office lasers to at-home whitening kits and snap-on veneers, there have never been more ways to achieve a white smile! But, before you order a custom kit or hit up the drugstore for whitening strips, there’s more you should know about teeth discoloration. Not all stains are created equal, and the cause of yours needs to be taken into consideration when selecting a whitening solution ...

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What is the Best Way to Treat Receding Gums?

July 29, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

It’s easy to get complacent with our oral hygiene - especially if we’ve never experienced issues. When our days are scheduled down to the minute, sticking to a dental care routine can feel like trying to fit in one more thing. And does it really matter if we skip flossing every now and then? In recent years, we’ve gotten used to most dental issues being correctable. From fluoride treatments to implants, it seems ...

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Who Needs Full Mouth Reconstruction?

June 28, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

If full mouth reconstruction has been suggested as a treatment option, you might be wondering if you really need it. Extensive dental work can be intimidating, but the results can also be life-changing.  What is full mouth reconstruction? Full mouth reconstruction involves a combination of dental treatments to rebuild or restore your teeth, gums, and jaw function.  While cosmetic elements, such as teeth whitening, may be a component in the process, it’s important to ...

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5 Tips for Getting Through Your First Week with Braces

May 28, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

Getting braces is exciting and nerve-wracking. Many patients come in feeling a bit anxious because they’re unsure of what to expect. While everyone is different, most patients report that getting through the first week is the hardest, but once you’ve adapted, you’ll be well on your way to a beautiful smile. Tips to help you through the initial adjustment period of having braces: 1) Don’t leave the office with questions. Our ...

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Spring Means Blooms, Sunshine & Oral Cancer Screenings

April 29, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

April is oral cancer awareness month. While not as delightful as the other signs of spring – blooming trees and longer days – a focus on early detection is a beautiful thing. While oral cancer (oral cavity and oropharynx cancers collectively) accounts for almost 3% of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, it is responsible for 1.8% of all cancer deaths. The death rate associated with oral cancer is particularly high because it is ...

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5 Ways to Deal With Dental Anxiety

March 29, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

We know that a trip to the dentist isn’t on anyone’s list of favorite things, but if you find yourself avoiding regular dental visits or putting off needed dental work, you might be one of the estimated 50-80% of adults with dental anxiety. Our team understands that while a procedure might be “routine” for us, it likely is not for our patients. That’s why we work hard to make sure patients are ...

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Ouch! Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

February 28, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

Have you ever winced with sudden pain after gulping an icy beverage or slurping a spoonful of hot soup? If so, you're likely one of the 40 million Americans the Academy of General Dentistry estimates experience tooth sensitivity each year. What causes tooth sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity (i.e., dentin hypersensitivity) occurs when tooth enamel wears away, leaving the dentin exposed. This soft, inner part of your tooth houses thousands of microscopic channels that, when ...

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How Often Should I Brush My Teeth

January 29, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

In an ideal world, we would all have a travel-sized toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss ready for use after every meal, snack, and coffee break. Realistically, however, this level of oral hygiene adherence rarely (if ever) occurs. So, what does that mean for those of us who generally go all day without so much as a swish of mouthwash? Are we really doing more harm than we know? And, what about those people who forget to ...

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