National Gum Care Month: What You Should Know About Gums, Gum Disease, and Prevention

September 11, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

The goal of dentistry is to help patients achieve a healthy mouth, not just healthy teeth. This includes your gums (aka gingiva). Your gums seal and protect your teeth, teeth roots, and jaw bones, against disease-causing bacteria. Additionally, the gingiva hold your teeth in place. Without gum tissue, your teeth would fall out and bacteria along with food debris would cause serious destruction to your sensitive teeth roots. To recognize National Gum Care Month, we ...

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All You Need To Know About Deep Teeth Cleaning

August 9, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

If it’s been a while since your last dental cleaning, a standard cleaning may not be enough. In these cases, dentists often recommend a deep dental cleaning, or deep teeth cleaning to gently and skillfully remove plaque and tartar from all parts of the teeth, preventing decay and disease. Learn more about the deep cleaning process, benefits, cost, and more in this blog. The Deep Teeth Cleaning Process The deep dental cleaning process involves ...

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Learn to Spot Signs of Gum Disease

July 8, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

You would know if you had gum disease, right? Like many other diseases, gum disease (also known as periodontal disease) can be difficult to detect if you aren’t paying attention. And even if you are paying attention, the symptoms may be undetectable by an untrained eye– that’s why visiting a dentist every six months is so important. Dentists use these cleaning and exam appointments to spot signs of periodontal disease in the earliest ...

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It’s Oral Health Month! Here are 5 Oral Health Tips for the Whole Family

June 17, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

The American Dental Association recognizes June as Oral Health Month. This is an opportunity for families to evaluate their oral health habits, get back on track, and create oral health goals. That may sound like a strange thing to do, but if you suffer from chronic gum disease, cavities, or bad breath, your oral health may be affecting your overall health. Additionally, if you don’t love the way your smile looks, it may be ...

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8 Good Toothbrushing Habits

May 9, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

Did you know that your smile is one of the first things other people notice about you? Healthy, beautiful teeth are essential to making a good first impression. And while there are many ways to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile, it’s important to start with the basics of oral health care–brushing your teeth. Your toothbrushing habits can make or break your smile. We all know we are supposed to brush our teeth every ...

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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

April 8, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

Spring is the season of renewal! Trees are blooming, birds are singing, and…we’re reminding you about the dangers of oral cancer. We know it doesn’t really fit with spring’s eternal feeling of hope and optimism, but April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month and early detection is a beautiful thing. The Prevalence of Oral Cancer The American Cancer Society estimates approximately 54,000 new cases of oral cancer (oral cavity and oropharyngeal ...

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Dental Assistant Recognition Week

March 8, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

Dental Assistants Recognition Week™ (also known as DARW) is held the first full week in March (this year, it's March 6-12), and we want to take this opportunity to give our hard-working dental assistants the recognition they deserve! Our dental assistants are crucial to the success of our practice. They perform multiple functions, and we couldn't provide the level of patient care we do without them. One of the dental assistant's most ...

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Benefits of Digital Impressions for Orthodontics & Braces

February 11, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

For some patients, the most uncomfortable part of dental work happens before the actual procedure. The process of taking traditional dental impressions is never pleasant and can be particularly traumatic for those who experience dental anxiety or have a gag reflex. Though dental impressions aren’t necessary for all procedures, they are needed for those that entail tooth structures or appliances to be fitted in your mouth. Common procedures that require dental impressions include: Dental ...

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10 Dental New Year's Resolutions

January 8, 2022 by Downey Dental Center

‘Tis the season for reflection and resolutions. Of course, you can improve your oral hygiene any time of year, but there’s something about looking ahead that makes it seem not only possible but probable. Here are our top 10 Dental Resolutions – take any or all of them into 2022! 1. Floss Regularly We know we’re supposed to floss every day, but many people (maybe even most) don’t. There’s always a good ...

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5 Tips to Protect Your Teeth During the Holidays

December 7, 2021 by Downey Dental Center

There’s nothing like an unexpected trip to the dentist to derail the most wonderful time of the year. To ensure your teeth stay healthy through the holidays and beyond, follow these tips: 1. Teeth aren’t present-openers or nutcrackers This sounds like a no-brainer, but when an impatient child hands you a toy double sealed in Teflon-strength packaging, your instinct might be to do whatever you can to rip it open. Do yourself a ...

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