5 Dental Myths

May 20, 2020 by Downey Dental Center

Even though our dental team enjoys working with teeth on a daily basis and looks forward to taking care of our patient's oral health, most people don’t rank going to the dentist at the top of the fun list. However, sometimes the reasons people don't come in for check-ups are due to preconceived dental myths. Let's examine five of the most common myths. Myth 1: My Teeth Feel Fine, So Why ...

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Detecting Oral Cancer

April 23, 2020 by Downey Dental Center

The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2020 about 53,260 people will get oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer, and an estimated 10,750 people will die from these diseases. If you think the mortality rate is high, you wouldn’t be wrong. However, this is not because oral cancer is hard to detect or diagnose, but because it is often discovered late in its development. That is why regular dental visits are more important ...

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5 Advantages of Invisalign Over Metal Braces

March 18, 2020 by Downey Dental Center

If your parents didn’t opt for getting you braces as a child, have no fear! It’s not too late! Considering the origination of Invisalign, more and more adults are discovering the beautiful smile they have always desired and with much less of the embarrassment. Those days of smiling at your third-grade crush at lunch with PB&J stuck in your braces are over. There are 5 significant advantages to going with Invisalign versus ...

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The Benefits of Having Straighter Teeth

February 21, 2020 by Downey Dental Center

You already know that having a straighter, brighter smile will improve your overall physical appearance, but straightening your teeth can do so much more for your health than simply giving you better-looking selfies. Straighter teeth can also improve your overall health as well.  Let’s examine six unexpected benefits of straight teeth: Straight Teeth are Easier to Clean Crowded or crooked teeth can be much trickier to clean properly, as it can be harder for ...

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What are Dental Sealants and How Do They Protect Teeth from Cavities?

January 21, 2020 by Downey Dental Center

While you and your child anxiously wait for the dentist to review your child’s x-rays, you are probably doing everything in your power to not get up and start pacing the halls. Will the dentist say those five dreaded words… “Your child has a cavity” or will they receive a clean bill of health? You start to make a check-list in your head… Did we brush our teeth twice a day…yes, check Did ...

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6 Holiday Healthy Teeth Tips

December 16, 2019 by Downey Dental Center

It’s that time of year where sleigh-bells are ringing, children are singing, and the last thing we tend to think about is our oral health. I mean, we’re pretty sure no one is sitting on Santa’s lap and asking for peppermint floss for Christmas. So why worry about our oral health? It is only a few months out of the year, right? Well, that is where we can get ourselves into a ...

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Is Flossing Your Teeth Really Important?

November 19, 2019 by Downey Dental Center

Despite a rogue news report a few years ago, the benefits of regular flossing and brushing have generally been widely accepted. So, why do only 30% of Americans report flossing daily and even more (32%) admit to never flossing at all?   Most likely it’s because while the obvious benefits of regular flossing are worthwhile – gum health and fresh breath – they’re also relatively intangible. Let’s be honest. Possessing healthy pink gums doesn’t ...

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The Importance of Gum Disease

October 21, 2019 by Downey Dental Center

Let’s see those pearly whites! You hear it all the time, but when was the last time someone wanted to see your healthy pink gums? Though they may be destined to play second fiddle to their white, show-stealing counterparts, gums are really the unsung hero of your mouth. Gingiva (i.e., gums) is the tissue that surrounds and protects teeth, along with the underlying bone. Gums attach to the teeth, forming a seal that ...

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What Does Smoking Do to Your Teeth?

September 16, 2019 by Downey Dental Center

14 of every 100 individuals age eighteen and over smoke in the United States, according to a 2017 Center for Disease Control report. This means 14% of America is lighting up!  The Surgeon General has been warning people for decades, emphasizing that smoking is bad for your health. But what makes it bad for you? And in particular, what does smoking do to your teeth?  You're most likely aware of how smoking affects your ...

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What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and Can It Be Treated?

August 25, 2019 by Downey Dental Center

What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and Can It Be Treated? Did you know that 250 tooth enamel is the strongest and most durable tissue within our body? It is stronger than our bones, and harder than steel!  Tooth enamel is the substance on the outside layer of your teeth. Enamel is responsible for protecting your teeth from damage. However, don't let the strength of enamel fool you. Tooth enamel can be broken down and ...

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